When I was a child I
was fascinated with the Aladdin story where he rubs the lamp and a genie pops
out to grant him three wishes. What a gift, right? The genie just
snaps his fingers and voila, wishes granted! What kid doesn’t dream up his
own three wishes? A new car, a million dollars, the perfect body?
So one day during my
high school years I was having a conversation with a friend and asked him what
he would wish for if he had three wishes. Money, a hot girlfriend, and a cool car was his answer. Then he asked me what I’d wish for and
I said a million dollars, the perfect body, and 3 more wishes. We played the
“wishing for more wishes” game for a while until our list of things we wanted
was pretty long.
But as I got on in
years I began to reconsider what I would really wish for if I was ever
presented with the opportunity. You have to be prepared for everything
right? And if a genie ever did pop out of a lamp and offer me three
wishes I wanted to be ready. Around this time I’d seen a lot of tv shows
and read books about people’s wishes backfiring on them; like when the guy
wishes for a million dollars so the genie kills his wife who had a million
dollar life insurance policy on her. So as I thought about my wishes I
wanted to make sure there would be no loop holes.
My first wish was
for world peace. But then I realized it probably wouldn’t last because
people would just revert to fighting again. You really have to earn world
peace. So my wish was this: For 48 hours only I want the world to
be in a state of total love and total peace so that when the world reverts back
to its previous state after 48 hours people will have had just a taste of what
could be achieved if we work really hard at this. Basically an incentive
to change their ways when they could see the reward awaiting them.
My second wish was
for everyone to be afflicted with a sense of conscience. I figured if
people really cared about how their actions affected others they would make
better choices.
My third wish was
for everyone on our planet to have their basic needs taken care of: food,
clothing, shelter, etc.
I carried those
wishes around with me for a long time, ready to present them to my genie when
he appeared. Hey, luck is what happens when opportunity meets
preparedness and I wasn’t going to be caught napping if a genie ever appeared
to me.
As I grew older and
matured I realized that making wishes that affect the world was not actually my
responsibility. I realized that my true responsibility on this planet was just
to work on myself. It’s not that I didn’t care about the rest of the
planet, of course I did. It’s just that I realized the only person I had
the right to mess with was myself. People need to grow and learn at their
own rate, for their own reasons. So my three wishes changed again.
I thought long and very hard about it but really the answer to the three wishes
question turned out to be very simple once I tuned in to what I really and
truly wanted out of my life. Today, these are still my three wishes:
*To really know myself.*To really know another.
*For another to really know me.
That’s it. In
my heart I believe these are the three most powerful wishes I could make.
These are the wishes that provide me the most growth and insight into my own
self. I believe that when you fully know yourself you really
understand the universe. When me and my friends first met, I shared these
wishes with them and they understood how important they were to them and how
much thought I put into making them. My friends and I share everything;
our thoughts, experiences, hopes, dreams, desires, fears, pain, and
disappointments. They is the one I’ve chosen to know completely, and they
understands how important it is to me that he completely knows me as well.
What I didn’t
realize when I made these three wishes is that the genie was inside of
me. I had the power to make all three wishes come true on my own. I
stopped looking for the lamp.
There’s a genie
inside of you waiting to hear your three wishes; in fact, he may already be
granting your wishes even if you don’t realize you’re making them. Be
careful what you wish for, you will get it.
By : Kenny Harsojo XIS1/16
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