Selda Fransisca's Desk

Having some exercise
We live in a super-fast age. The Internet has shrunk the world dramatically and people are connected 24×7. Multitasking is the order of the day as we struggle to fulfill our responsibilities to everyone in our lives. They may include employers, parents, spouses, children, clients and many others. In this melee, too often we forget to spare time for ourselves.The stress levels continue to build up until one day a major collapse may make us aware that in all this frenzied activity, we have forgotten to take care of one important thing – our health. As we spend days shuttling between hospital and home, subjecting our body to one test after another trying to find out what has gone wrong, we are forced to remember that Health is indeed Wealth.Health is Wealth.In earlier days, life was very simple. People worked 9 to 5 jobs, often walked everywhere, ate more of home food, did household chores and enjoyed a healthy balance in life. Now, we have cars and bikes to go around in, exciting varieties of fast food to eat, home appliances to reduce our chores and save time. But the time that has been saved in this manner is now being spent of the workplace.So people don’t have time to exercise which is very essential for good health. Because of this lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, etc. are on the rise even among the young. This has alarming implications for the nation as a whole. If our young people are going to die or fall seriously sick in the most productive years of their life, the country’s future looks very bleak indeed.So it is very necessary to keep fit and healthy. Parents must inculcate this need in children from an early age. Moderation in food habits, daily exercise, and work-life balance – all these can make a difference to our health. A yearly health checkup after the age of 40 is also a must. Without good health we cannot work or be self-reliant. So good health should be one of the most important priorities in our life.
eat more healthy food

Every day the morning papers bring news of murders, kidnappings and rapes,  adulteration of foodstuffs, drugs and even of poisons. All this makes one sit up and wonder whether crime is inseparable from civilized life. We appear to live on an earth. Crime is a serious issue that affects everyone in society. It affects the victims, perpetrators and their families. Crime has increased drastically within the last decade. More prisons are being built around the world because there is not enough room to hold inmates. The government has made an attempt to reduce crime by funding programs such as prevention and intervention for youth at risk , as well as rehabilitation for prisoners that will be released. Some argue that criminal behavior is due to environment, others believe that it is genetic, and yet others think that it has to do with personality. If there were certain personality traits that could be identified with potential criminal behavior, steps could be taken to try to reduce or diminish the "criminal personality". Although personality is not the only factor in criminal behavior, there does seem to be a strong association between the both.Personality develops early in life. That is why early childhood aggression and antisocial behavior should be taken seriously. Being able to identify potential criminal behavior is vital for prevention and intervention. Childhood factors shown to relate to the development of antisocial behaviors include a difficult early temperament, low IQ, academic deficiencies and learning problems, lack of empathy, underdeveloped social skills, and negative peer relations. Environmental factors such as family structure and poverty are also associated with potential criminal behavior. Juvenile delinquency is becoming more common. The age at which these young kids are committing crimes is getting younger. The crimes they are committing are getting more serious. They are not only involved in vandalism and shop lifting like many people might assume, but they are involved in life threatening crimes such as assault and murder
young kids that are committing crimes

We have a lot of choice to travel
Traveling or seeing places is an important part of our education. One cannot believe a fact to be true unless one sees it. The education that we receive from schools and colleges does not provide clear knowledge or idea of places. It happens just because he receives this much knowledge from the book. But in the recent days people are found to be curious about visiting places of historical importance. The modern man is curious to learn things and to travel place of historical interest.With the advancement of transport system travelling has become easier than what it was in the primitive days. The modern transport system has made the lives of the travelling people easier by decreasing the distance by the swiftness of vehicles. The prevailing journeys do not cost more than those were in the primitive days.The purposes of travelling are different for different people. There are some people who travel for the sake of pleasure. The people that are heavily burdened either at their domestic front or at their offices move too far off places for relieving their worries and anxieties. The poets and writers make a trip to distant places for collection of facts for their Writings. Businessmen also visit various places to enquire as to whether there are scopes for expansion of their business. It is common for statesmen to visit other countries on a goodwill mission.Travelling the benefit of sightseeing and gives Pleasure to the visitor. In addition, it gives a scope to an individual to have firsthand knowledge of variegated people inhabiting the world. One cannot appreciate the work of art created by master hands unless one visits places and things.A visit to a place imparts practical knowledge of important places, persons, things and the nature of people. The recollections of the past certainly flash over one's mind as one visit some historical monuments. Besides this by visiting places, the vision of an individual becomes enlarged just as by sitting at a small place makes one's vision narrow.The business people are made aware of the natural products of different countries by travelling. The intellectual outlook of students is heightened by travelling. Derive the benefit of getting ourselves acquainted with the characteristics of foreign people. The world outside becomes clearer than what it would have been under other circumstances by travelling.The superimposition of travelling remains on the fact that too is better than books. In different countries we come across people of different tastes, fashions, caste, creed, and colour. Once we know their ways of living it arouses a sense of brotherhood in us for them.By travelling we avail of the scope of making a change of thing. By Visiting Mountain and forest area we enjoy the wild beauty of nature. Those who lead their life in a populated city get free air and enjoy beauty by travelling. By visiting places of natural beauty our thought process is transported to a new region. We are capable of moving round the globe within a short time. The trip is not only to make the mind more fresh or happy but also to gain more knowledge and insight to what is around us.
having some trips to gain more knowledge!

Watching movies
when there is free time or can be called a long holiday usually teenagers do things they might like them to spend time in the gym to create a council to be better or for women doing gymnastics for the body shrink or go swimming for leisure them.There are also doing their hobbies such as playing computer games, playing basketball, or football, atda who is traveling with friends or family, girls are less likely to go spend time at the mall to shop, to the salon to beautify themselves, body treatment that looks good, go to the cafe to chat with friends till late, watching movies, some are not doing holiday nominally prefers watching television at home and watch a dvd because it is free and does not cost like the movies, spending time with friends is very pleasant indeed will not feel the time pass quickly, going for a walk with the family is also no less fun, but if we go do not have a goal that would be there are also who prefer to learn in order to become more intelligent and understand what has been taught in school, or homework that is given by teachers very boring, especially if there is no accompanying it would be very boring.

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